The encyclopaedia is an invention of man, so, it would not be out of place to say, man knows more than the encyclopaedia. What do you think? Everyday I see how people strive to learn new things and acquire more knowledge concsiously and unconsciously. Atimes it is glaring that the learning is out of compulsion and circumstances but, I do not have a challenge with that in this piece. All my interest at the moment is, how much of the acquired knowledge the learners actually put to work? Are we really learning to eventually forget or are we learning and practicing what we learn. People always say knowledge is power but I have always held on to the school of thought that believes knowledge is potential power and not power. If you have not noticed, whatever you learn that has no application in your life or through your life is an aberration in knowledge and ultimately a waste of time. Recent researches have asserted that against the 10% brain usage myth, every part of the human brain i...