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My mates are this my mates are that, weldon oh🤠, I greet you! I have read stories, watched documentaries and seen a couple of successful people. One thing that strikes about most of them is that, they didn't become successful the day they started. Did you hear that🤔 ? ✍️The desperate desire to make it now, now has over time cost us more than we would have gained, why🙄? Because we failed to appreciate time and growth. I don't in anyway discredit possiblities of sudden breaks, but our tenacity in expectation of sudden breaks must not be allowed to becloud our understanding of growth and development. Some people are of the believe that it is easier to make money from the poor than the rich or should I rather say, exploit the poor than the rich instead🤔. The reason is not far fetched it is because of the gullibility of the poor. Scriptures says the vision is for an appointed time which means there are things that will happen between the discovery of the vision and t...
If you cut your "destiny coat" according to your size, you will definitely waste some "destiny fabric" and I know you hate waste.😄 That was a reflective joke please, before I start getting questions on destiny coat😄. I have observed one thing that has been centrally accepted by all kinds of people to play a vital role in success, it is the mind. Irrespective of religious doctrines, educational backgrounds, psychological perspectives and secular orientation the mind and mindset has never been an issue of controversy when talking about it's role in success. My own save haven explains it this way: "as a man thinketh in his heart(mind) so is he." You agree with that ideology right? If the mind is that important then, we must be cautious and conscious of its growth and development because, to a great extent it defines us. Look at it this way, the wright brothers knew about the law of gravity but had a different mindset about it. Today their mi...
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