How Far?

If you are in Nigeria or have stayed in some parts of Nigeria, you must have heard this question "how far?" from someone. It connotes either of "what is the progress report" or "how are you doing?" We are fast moving in the fourth month of 2022 already, HOW FAR? What has changed, what has improved, what have you given up or what have you picked up towards becoming a better version of you? Life is measured in time and the value of time is in its use. It's much easier to waste it. Don't wait for anyone to ask you about the progress report of the decisions you consciously made at the beginning of the year. At the end of it all it will be a question that only you will have to answer so start answering it now. Are you still on track or have you drifted off the track? It's not a time for long words, just answer the question, HOW FAR? © Ojonugwa, J. A