The biggest sacrifice of a king maker is that, he may never become a king in his life time, it is a cost worth paying for a sense of purpose and duty. 

We often think, dream and plan to be big but not many people deliberately take time to count the cost. I saw this somewhere in my Bible that a wise man counts his cost before engaging in an assignment (paraphrased). How often do you really take time to weigh the cost and benefits of your actions?

Honestly speaking, you are not designed to do everything even when you can do all things.
I know some folks may want to question that statement, but it is the truth.

Observations have shown that one of our biggest problem is the unconcious desire to be good at everything. This desire is not bad and it is sometimes achievable. However, that was not your primary configuration.
I made a drastic change in my life back in secondary school or what some people call high school that I will never forget why.
The counselling team told us something that I will paraphrase. "Why struggle to stay in a place where you will at best be average when you can comfortably be a high flyer with less stress in another place?"
The "No Pain No Gain" theorists will want to question that advise vehemently but I won't respond to that in this piece 🤠.

My point actually is simple. You don't have to do everything to make impact. Atimes you pay the price of not doing other things because of doing that one major thing.
Impact is great but it is expensive so summarily I am saying.

✍️Find that one thing that inspires you to wake up and atimes keeps you awake late into the night without any sense of I am wasting my time.

✍️Build all the capacity you need for it with time. Pay the price of becoming your best at doing it.

✍️Fan it and keep fanning it until it becomes a fire that can not be quenched

✍️Surround yourself with the right relationships that will keep the fire burning and increasing.

✍️Don't quit or be tempted to compare your growth with other people's growth yet never stop growing.

✍️Always review your growth to be sure you are not deviating from the goal particularly, when you need to change strategies.

Impact is a choice that comes at a cost, if you want it, pay the price.

© Ojonugwa J. Akubo


  1. Impact is a choice that comes at a price got me

    Thank you sir for this master piece...

    1. Wow,, thanks for reading and ensure you choose and pay the price for impact.


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